
No Refunds will be given for classes or workshops prior to 30 days before the event unless the event is cancelled by the instructor. Workshops will be held in a variety of weather conditions, please dress appropriately. In the event of an emergency paid funds will NOT be returned. Please consider this NO refund policy before reserving your spot today.

Code of Conduct:

Photos by Stacy and AZ/Photography Workshop photographers, trip leaders, staff and participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The following guidelines are designed to provide safe and enjoyable activities for all participants:

Show respect to all participants and staff.
Please heed all safety instructions and workshop announcements
Refrain from using abusive or foul language.
Refrain from causing bodily harm to self, other participants or workshop staff.
Refrain from damaging equipment, supplies or facilities.

Failure to follow this code of conduct may result in removal from a workshop. Photo Workshops will bear no cost for return travel or other expenses pertaining to departure from the workshop. Workshop fees will be non-refundable.

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